What is the Co-Vocational Canada Community?

The Co-Vocational Canada community is a community of ministers across Canada who are engaged in ministry in multiple areas. These ministers are critical members of organizations and ministries and face unique challenges as a result of being co-vocational.  We want to provide a space to rethink the sacred work that co-vocational ministers are a part of, and partner with the many ministers across Canada who are engaged in this work.

Co-vocational ministry can feel isolating, challenging, and exhausting. There is often little support or recognition for the ways that being co-vocational can impact the lives, of the ministers. This need is at the heart of the Co-Vocational Canada community. We want to bring co-vocational ministers together so that we can resource and strengthen each other.

This community is open to anyone who is in a part-time paid position of leadership in a church in Canada (supervising others, whether paid or volunteers), and one or more part-time paid positions elsewhere. If this describes you, then we would love to invite you into our community of ministers!

Co-Vocational Canada | A Project of Briercrest Seminary

Want to know more?

Join our Co-Vocational Mailing list to stay up to date on our events, conferences, and resources.

Thank You

Co-Vocational Canada Community Benefits

Thanks to a generous grant, all members who attend the Sacred Side Hustle Event and engage with their cohort for six months will be a part of the Co-Vocational Canada community. Co-Vocational Community members will be eligible to recieve the following benefits:

  • Complimentary Peer Coaching for you or your team

  • Complimentary Counselling for you or a family member

  • Complimentary resources for you and your congregation

How to join the Co-Vocational Canada Commmunity

You must be in a part-time paid position of leadership in a church in Canada (supervising others, whether paid or volunteers), and one or more part-time paid positions elsewhere. If you are eligible, please submit the following documents to [email protected]

  • Complete the Application Form (Apply Now! on each event page)

  • A Character Reference Letter

  • A letter of support from your Board Chair or denominational leader (Template Available)

  • A letter of intention describing why you want to want to join the Co-Vocational Canada community

Want to know more?

Join our Co-Vocational Mailing list to stay up to date on our events, conferences, and resources.

Thank You